Home Research Teaching Publications CV Plankton


Please see my CV to see a more detailed description of my teaching activities.

A small selection of some teaching resources that I have developed or used are available at the link here.

Current MEES Courses

MEES 637: Zooplankton Ecology

  • Offered in Autumn of Odd Years (as of 2019)
  • Recent offerings: Autumn 2018; 2019

    The goal of this course is to provide students with a quantitative understanding of plankton ecology, including population dynamics, nutrition, behavior, trophic interactions, and bio-physical interactions, to answer the overarching question, does zooplankton control primary production in the ocean?
  • Emphasis will be placed on critical analysis of plankton dynamics from actual plankton data and in class discussions of peer-reviewed papers. Grading will be based on a combination of homework problem sets, a written proposal, and class participation in discussions.

Current non-MEES Teaching

Universidad Ana G Méndez

  • GESC 300: Earth System Science Lecture
  • This course provides a comprehensive introduction to the understanding of the natural processes in oceans and atmosphere, the history of global changes in climate and ecosystems, and the impact of human activities on the oceans, atmospheric composition, and climate.
  • GESC 300L: Earth System Science Laboratory
  • This course implements hands on experiences through laboratory and field exercises about natural processes in oceans and atmosphere, the history of global changes in climate and ecosystems, and the impact of human activities on the oceans, atmospheric composition, and climate.

Both courses co-taught with Dr. Lora Harris as part of the NSF funded Centro TORTUGA program


Previous MEES Courses

MEES 608I: Phytoplankton Blooms
  • Spring 2017
  • One Credit Seminar

MEES 608M: Long Term Monitoring Data from Chesapeake Bay
  • Spring 2009
  • 1 Credit Seminar

MEES 608A: Classic Readings in Oceanography
  • Spring 2009
  • One Credit Seminar
    • Link to course home page here.
    • Link to course syllabus here.

MEES 698G: Zooplankton Ecology
  • Spring 2010; 2012
  • Three Credit Course
    • Co-taught with Mike Roman and Diane Stoecker

MEES 608O: Dispersion, degradation, and ecosystem effects of oil in the marine environment
  • Autumn 2010
  • One Credit Seminar
    • Co-taught with Mike Roman and Elizabeth North



Other Teaching

  • Matlab: Introductory Seminar
    • January 2011
    • View course page here.










James J. Pierson, Ph.D.
Associate Professor

2020 Horns Point Rd.
Cambridge, MD 21613


Publons / ResearcherID profile

Logo for SEAS Islands Alliance with stylized circular image with three waves of different colors around the circumference of the circle and the words SEAS Islands Alliance around the outside

Logo for Centro Tortuga with stylized spiral image with a sun at the center and waves around the outside and red circles between wave crests and the words Centro Tortuga Diversity Discovery Learning

logo image of the Choptank River with the word Phytochop and stylized images of microplankton

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