Monday, 22 March 2010


  1. Review present capabilities, model needs in terms of model development and data needs.
  2. Compile available demographic and vital rate data for two species of Calanus in the North Atlantic, C. finmarchicus and C. helgolandicus, throughout their range. Specific information we hope to compile about each data set is the coverage in terms of:
    1. temporal extent
    2. spatial extent
    3. developmental stage determination
    4. methodologies used
    5. ancillary data collected simultaneously
  3. Identify willing participants in data analysis for large scale comparative studies of Calanus across the whole Atlantic, encompassing the entire range of both species, and using the compiled data sets.
  4. Make a tentative timetable for completion of analysis related to the compiled data sets.
  5. Make a tentative plan and timetable for data access.

I. Status of Calanus life cycle modeling

Click on the presentation titles to view PDF versions.
08:45-09:00 Jeffrey Runge Welcome and meeting introduction
09:00-09:30 Frédéric Maps C. finmarchicus in the Gulf of Maine and Gulf of St. Lawrence
09:30-10:00 Andrew Pershing Challenges to coupled modeling an dclimate change scenario testing
10:00-10:30 Dennis McGillicuddy Inverse models of C. finmarchicus in the North Atlantic
10:30-10:45   Break
10:45- 11:15 Rubao Ji A modeling study on processes controlling the biogeographic boundary of Calanus copepods in the North Atlantic - Arctic region
11:15- 12:00   Plenary Discussion

Plenary Discussion Questions:

  1. Data needs for models: are we measuring what is needed?
  2. Parameterization needs and proxies for food availability
  3. Coupling biologically rich models to Eulerian circulation models
  4. Predicting future distribution shifts and cross shelf supply to coastal areas


II. Data Module: “Calanus data in the North Atlantic: the who, what, where and when”

Click on the presentation titles to view PDF versions.
13:00-13:20 Jamie Pierson/ Peter Wiebe Calanus life histories: Data wants, haves, needs, and synthesis
13:20-13:40 Roger Harris/ Delphine Bonnet Calanus helgolandicus ecology in European waters: data availablity and data gaps
13:40-14:00 Webjorn Melle N/A
14:00-14:20 Astthor Gislason Calanus off Iceland
14:20-14:40 Erica Head Zooplankton sampling in the Labrador Sea region
14:40-15:00   Break
15:00-15:20 Catherine Johnson Calanus data from the Scotian Shelf and eastern Gulf of Maine regions: Who, what, where, and when
15:20-15:40 Stephane Plourde Who, what, where, and when: The estimation of mortality from monitoring data and Calanus finmarchicus data in the Gulf of St. Lawrence
15:40-16:00 Jeffrey Runge Abundance, distributon and dynamics of C. finmarchicus in the Gulf of Maine: the data and some implicatons
16:00-17:00   Plenary Discussion


III. Reception and poster opportunity


View a presentation on the Calanus workshop to the ICES Working Group on Zooplankton Ecology here.